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Pages in category "Shadow Tower 1"
The following 20 pages are in this category, out of 20 total.
Media in category "Shadow Tower 1"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 578 total.
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ST1 Creature Abraxus.png 353 × 634; 156 KB
ST1 Creature Acid Pod.png 276 × 461; 45 KB
ST1 Creature Acid Skull.png 683 × 643; 164 KB
ST1 Creature Acid Slime.png 470 × 306; 59 KB
ST1 Creature Akryal.png 309 × 607; 119 KB
ST1 Creature Amon.png 536 × 657; 70 KB
ST1 Creature Apocrypha.png 509 × 447; 111 KB
ST1 Creature Arachness.png 664 × 594; 163 KB
ST1 Creature Armored Guardian.png 563 × 688; 212 KB
ST1 Creature Armored Jinn.png 620 × 487; 160 KB
ST1 Creature Armored Slayer.png 528 × 675; 184 KB
ST1 Creature Armored Warrior.png 364 × 668; 169 KB
ST1 Creature Auriel (Doll).png 159 × 622; 85 KB
ST1 Creature Auriel.png 507 × 1,154; 196 KB
ST1 Creature Balron (Transformed).png 542 × 686; 152 KB
ST1 Creature Balron.png 438 × 562; 89 KB
ST1 Creature Barrel Snail.png 344 × 580; 92 KB
ST1 Creature Beak Plant.png 316 × 687; 112 KB
ST1 Creature Berzerker.png 470 × 682; 227 KB
ST1 Creature Black Imp.png 153 × 598; 38 KB
ST1 Creature Black Onyx.png 505 × 610; 174 KB
ST1 Creature Blood Bone.png 199 × 689; 74 KB
ST1 Creature Blood Brain.png 497 × 527; 159 KB
ST1 Creature Blood Skull.png 610 × 587; 126 KB
ST1 Creature Blood Slime.png 612 × 325; 95 KB
ST1 Creature Blue Flicker.png 382 × 501; 50 KB
ST1 Creature Blue Puppet.png 296 × 630; 78 KB
ST1 Creature Bone Demon.png 392 × 481; 113 KB
ST1 Creature Bone Wolf.png 441 × 524; 105 KB
ST1 Creature Bugler.png 267 × 645; 87 KB
ST1 Creature Cannon Snail.png 463 × 704; 112 KB
ST1 Creature Casket.png 458 × 659; 142 KB
ST1 Creature Cerberus.png 412 × 469; 127 KB
ST1 Creature Chirper.png 305 × 502; 82 KB
ST1 Creature Claw Head.png 431 × 551; 111 KB
ST1 Creature Clay Servant.png 303 × 652; 151 KB
ST1 Creature Cocoon Plant.png 527 × 636; 161 KB
ST1 Creature Cross Breed.png 429 × 602; 100 KB
ST1 Creature Crying Root.png 296 × 657; 106 KB
ST1 Creature Cursed Demon.png 282 × 725; 97 KB
ST1 Creature Damned Angel.png 621 × 689; 179 KB
ST1 Creature Dark Bishop.png 300 × 639; 116 KB
ST1 Creature Dark Fairy.png 1,047 × 697; 212 KB
ST1 Creature Dark Imp.png 197 × 560; 38 KB
ST1 Creature Dark Spider.png 490 × 421; 111 KB
ST1 Creature Dark Spirits.png 315 × 501; 84 KB
ST1 Creature Death Mage.png 638 × 680; 130 KB
ST1 Creature Death Serpent.png 380 × 684; 124 KB
ST1 Creature Deha.png 237 × 619; 128 KB
ST1 Creature Dementor.png 361 × 668; 108 KB
ST1 Creature Demon Bat.png 564 × 618; 246 KB
ST1 Creature Demon King.png 1,124 × 1,172; 359 KB
ST1 Creature Demon Warrior.png 400 × 600; 136 KB
ST1 Creature Demon's Eye.png 107 × 326; 18 KB
ST1 Creature Descrypha.png 325 × 346; 62 KB
ST1 Creature Dinogon.png 866 × 439; 106 KB
ST1 Creature Disguise.png 204 × 610; 108 KB
ST1 Creature Doriwi.png 336 × 673; 117 KB
ST1 Creature Dow Babe.png 424 × 216; 11 KB
ST1 Creature Dragon Turtle.png 639 × 576; 174 KB
ST1 Creature Dread Knight.png 423 × 617; 161 KB
ST1 Creature Duhrin.png 327 × 597; 128 KB
ST1 Creature Dwarf Warrior.png 327 × 511; 117 KB
ST1 Creature Dwarfling.png 282 × 471; 107 KB
ST1 Creature Dweller.png 524 × 531; 163 KB
ST1 Creature Dybbuk.png 199 × 722; 82 KB
ST1 Creature Earth Knight.png 494 × 565; 121 KB
ST1 Creature Ebony Knight.png 262 × 550; 97 KB
ST1 Creature Elder.png 576 × 639; 202 KB
ST1 Creature Fanged Worm.png 845 × 525; 266 KB
ST1 Creature Fat Mole.png 305 × 452; 119 KB
ST1 Creature Fester.png 276 × 651; 72 KB
ST1 Creature Fire Jinn.png 489 × 660; 136 KB
ST1 Creature Freak.png 542 × 642; 133 KB
ST1 Creature Gargaral.png 416 × 558; 103 KB
ST1 Creature Gaze Hopper.png 384 × 332; 101 KB
ST1 Creature Gordoral.png 506 × 571; 157 KB
ST1 Creature Gorgoral.png 479 × 554; 121 KB
ST1 Creature Gorthaur.png 224 × 556; 89 KB
ST1 Creature Great Frog.png 657 × 564; 192 KB
ST1 Creature Guardian.png 500 × 512; 77 KB
ST1 Creature Hallow Mage.png 399 × 734; 64 KB
ST1 Creature Hanging Dead.png 197 × 630; 68 KB
ST1 Creature Hatchlin.png 612 × 418; 94 KB
ST1 Creature Hell Hunter.png 470 × 719; 101 KB
ST1 Creature Hell Warrior.png 300 × 708; 92 KB
ST1 Creature Hermit Crab.png 243 × 665; 62 KB
ST1 Creature Hobble Worm.png 528 × 589; 187 KB
ST1 Creature Horned Skull.png 500 × 549; 72 KB
ST1 Creature Horned Slime.png 530 × 489; 150 KB
ST1 Creature Imp.png 233 × 538; 66 KB
ST1 Creature Iron Crusher.png 402 × 662; 178 KB
ST1 Creature Jinn Lord.png 690 × 701; 238 KB
ST1 Creature Kabasaur.png 294 × 697; 190 KB
ST1 Creature Karasu.png 634 × 544; 105 KB
ST1 Creature Kiljoy.png 507 × 523; 117 KB
ST1 Creature King Edward.png 353 × 1,186; 129 KB
ST1 Creature King Hopper.png 537 × 503; 120 KB
ST1 Creature Koazul.png 361 × 638; 167 KB
ST1 Creature Lizard Servant.png 291 × 713; 103 KB
ST1 Creature Magi Magus.png 360 × 680; 141 KB
ST1 Creature Manna Python.png 266 × 567; 110 KB
ST1 Creature Maristella.png 330 × 392; 47 KB
ST1 Creature Master Howler.png 369 × 639; 167 KB
ST1 Creature Master Knight.png 316 × 541; 128 KB
ST1 Creature Minor Dwarf.png 242 × 504; 112 KB
ST1 Creature Myconid.png 401 × 534; 155 KB
ST1 Creature Mystic Tower.png 276 × 717; 130 KB
ST1 Creature Necron.png 252 × 676; 82 KB
ST1 Creature Night Howler.png 341 × 517; 98 KB
ST1 Creature Nyet.png 601 × 1,081; 147 KB
ST1 Creature Oblid.png 204 × 651; 86 KB
ST1 Creature Old Face.png 563 × 702; 138 KB
ST1 Creature Oxelus.png 604 × 477; 116 KB
ST1 Creature Panak.png 268 × 810; 90 KB
ST1 Creature Parasite.png 431 × 601; 178 KB
ST1 Creature Pulsating Heart.png 613 × 735; 154 KB
ST1 Creature Ray Plant.png 603 × 630; 164 KB
ST1 Creature Red Puppet.png 304 × 635; 84 KB
ST1 Creature Ring Demon.png 449 × 451; 196 KB
ST1 Creature Rotting Face.png 252 × 203; 68 KB
ST1 Creature Ruby Demon.png 417 × 557; 142 KB
ST1 Creature Sand Leech Larva.png 186 × 218; 33 KB
ST1 Creature Sand Leech.png 536 × 525; 215 KB
ST1 Creature Saurian Soldier.png 315 × 634; 146 KB
ST1 Creature Saurian Warrior.png 385 × 630; 145 KB
ST1 Creature Shadow Spider.png 186 × 389; 51 KB
ST1 Creature Skeleton.png 146 × 515; 54 KB
ST1 Creature Slasher.png 382 × 584; 130 KB
ST1 Creature Sloth Bug.png 450 × 616; 178 KB
ST1 Creature Stack Eyes.png 466 × 701; 176 KB
ST1 Creature Star Serpent.png 504 × 702; 160 KB
ST1 Creature Steel Servant.png 187 × 553; 83 KB
ST1 Creature Tondrom.png 315 × 547; 131 KB
ST1 Creature Tongue Imp.png 400 × 678; 91 KB
ST1 Creature Torg.png 366 × 664; 159 KB
ST1 Creature Tree Ogre.png 502 × 720; 149 KB
ST1 Creature Trickster.png 297 × 605; 67 KB
ST1 Creature War Demon (Axe).png 596 × 647; 159 KB
ST1 Creature War Demon (Sword).png 598 × 664; 146 KB
ST1 Creature Warden.png 299 × 369; 67 KB
ST1 Creature Warpoor.png 273 × 615; 158 KB
ST1 Creature Watcher Plant.png 371 × 564; 90 KB
ST1 Creature Water Knight.png 412 × 596; 186 KB
ST1 Creature Wildowess.png 227 × 652; 59 KB
ST1 Creature Winged Worm.png 301 × 477; 61 KB
ST1 Creature Wingsect.png 387 × 326; 78 KB
ST1 Creature Wizcrypha.png 429 × 355; 82 KB
ST1 Creature Worm Face.png 344 × 605; 131 KB
ST1 Creature Wyvern.png 669 × 671; 96 KB
ST1 Creature Zygote.png 524 × 595; 213 KB
ST1 Equipment Acid Vaccine.png 128 × 128; 7 KB
ST1 Equipment Amulet of Balance.png 128 × 128; 6 KB
ST1 Equipment Amulet of Composure.png 128 × 128; 4 KB
ST1 Equipment Amulet of Guardian.png 128 × 128; 3 KB
ST1 Equipment Amulet of Resist.png 128 × 128; 5 KB
ST1 Equipment Anti Paralytic.png 128 × 128; 7 KB
ST1 Equipment Anti Venom.png 128 × 128; 6 KB
ST1 Equipment Arm Guard.png 128 × 128; 5 KB
ST1 Equipment Axe 1.png 128 × 128; 4 KB
ST1 Equipment Axe 2.png 128 × 128; 5 KB
ST1 Equipment Balance Ring of Frost.png 128 × 128; 4 KB
ST1 Equipment Bastard Sword.png 128 × 128; 2 KB
ST1 Equipment Battle Axe.png 128 × 128; 3 KB
ST1 Equipment Beast Key.png 128 × 128; 3 KB
ST1 Equipment Blood Sword.png 128 × 128; 2 KB
ST1 Equipment Blue Crystal.png 128 × 128; 6 KB
ST1 Equipment Bottle of Light.png 128 × 128; 6 KB
ST1 Equipment Bow Gun.png 128 × 128; 3 KB
ST1 Equipment Bow.png 128 × 128; 3 KB
ST1 Equipment Bracelet of Composure.png 128 × 128; 9 KB
ST1 Equipment Bracelet of Movement.png 128 × 128; 6 KB
ST1 Equipment Bracelet of Resist.png 128 × 128; 11 KB
ST1 Equipment Brass Key.png 128 × 128; 3 KB
ST1 Equipment Broad Sword.png 128 × 128; 3 KB
ST1 Equipment Buckler.png 128 × 128; 9 KB
ST1 Equipment Cap.png 128 × 128; 6 KB
ST1 Equipment Caustic Plate Mail.png 128 × 128; 7 KB
ST1 Equipment Caustic Priest Ring.png 128 × 128; 5 KB
ST1 Equipment Caustic Ring.png 128 × 128; 5 KB
ST1 Equipment Crown of Composure.png 128 × 128; 6 KB
ST1 Equipment Crown of Resistance.png 128 × 128; 5 KB
ST1 Equipment Crown.png 128 × 128; 4 KB
ST1 Equipment Crushing Axe.png 128 × 128; 5 KB
ST1 Equipment Crushing Broad Sword.png 128 × 128; 3 KB
ST1 Equipment Crushing Mace.png 128 × 128; 3 KB
ST1 Equipment Cune.png 128 × 128; 9 KB
ST1 Equipment Dark Priest Ring.png 128 × 128; 6 KB
ST1 Equipment Dark Ring.png 128 × 128; 9 KB
ST1 Equipment Dark Sword.png 128 × 128; 2 KB
ST1 Equipment Deadly Bracelet.png 128 × 128; 6 KB
ST1 Equipment Deadly Great Shield.png 128 × 128; 6 KB
ST1 Equipment Deadly Short Sword.png 128 × 128; 3 KB
ST1 Equipment Devil Crown.png 128 × 128; 4 KB
ST1 Equipment Devil Plate Mail.png 128 × 128; 9 KB
ST1 Equipment Divine Symbol.png 128 × 128; 4 KB
ST1 Equipment Dorados Ashes.png 128 × 128; 6 KB
ST1 Equipment Dragon Sword.png 128 × 128; 3 KB
ST1 Equipment Dust of Rage.png 128 × 128; 8 KB
ST1 Equipment Endless Amulet.png 128 × 128; 5 KB